Stress and stress related diseases are the main problems we are facing due to the urban life style.Modern medicine do not have proper solutions for these Psychosomatic diseases.Integrated ,Holistic Yoga which addresses the ROOT CAUSE Stress provides efficient techniques for preventing and Managing these diseases.This workshop will focus on Yoga techniques for prevention and management of diseases like Asthma,Diabetes, Nasal Allergy , Hypertension ,Anxiety, Depression,Gastritis,Obesity,Migraine,Back pain,Neck pain,Sleeping disorders,Arthritis etc.
*Lectures and practical sessions *Advance Yoga Techniques *Yoga Therapy sessions*Interactive Sessions *Individual attention *Health Management Tips * Prevention and Management of DiseasesTECHNIQUES
*Initial starting postures *Loosening Exercises *Energising Exercises*Relaxation Techniques *Breathing Exercises*Cleansing Techniques for Internal organs including Lungs*Postures/Asanas with the involvement of Breathing ,Mind,Smile and Knowledge*Cyclic Meditation *OM Meditation *Eye Exercises,Yogic Walks,Devotional Sessions/Kirtan![](images/Chakra-balancing-meditation111.jpg)
Integrated Holistic Advanced Yoga Techniques-:
- Self Management of Excessive Tension-SMET
- Pranic Energisation Techniques - PET
- Mind Sound Resonance Tehniques -MSRT
- Mastering the Emotions Technique- MEMT. The above mentioned deeper Yoga practices will prevent ,control and alleviate the pain of patients suffering from diseases such as Arthritis,Cancer etc...
*Yoga Teachers *Yoga Students *Physiotherapists*Psychologists*Professionals*Therapists*Psychology and Social work students.*Patients suffering from above mentioned diseases
Slow down the breathing is the first cardinal rule of Yoga.Pranayama is defined in the Patanjali's Yoga aphorisms as-The science of cleansing ,balancing and gaining control over the Prana/Vital Energy in the Human system. Pranayama is the science of harnessing the breath for gaining control over the mind. Pranayama forms the fourth limb of Patanjali's eight limbed Yoga.By gaining control over the breath mind is also controlled indirectly.WORKSHOP WILL COVER FOLLOWING
*Concept of Yoga * Pancha Kosa concept of our Human Body/System*Pranayama Body-Structure and Balance *Bridging the Body and Mind *Respiratory system-Anatomical features *Physiological aspects *Balancing the breath*Safe method of practicing Pranayama *Bhastrika Pranayama *Bhastrika and Kapalabati *Physiological aspects *Precaution*Expansion of awareness-Attention and Pointed Awareness linear Awareness Surface Awareness ,Three Dimensional Awareness .*Benefits of Pranayama-Physical Benefits,Therapeutic Benefits,Spirituals BenefitsMEDITATION
According to Patanjali's sutras focusing of the mind in one thought is Dharana,followed by relaxed dwelling of the mind in a single thought for a longer duration is Meditation /Dhyana.Longer and longer duration of Meditation ultimately leads to Samadhi/Super consciousness. Dharana is the 6th, Dhyana is the 7th and Samadhi is 8th limbs of Patanjali's Astanga Yoga.![](images/meditation1.jpg)
Meditation and silence,Simple process of Meditation (Every Step in Hoslistic Yoga Practice from Yama to Dharana is preperation for Meditation)
OM Meditation
Cyclic Meditation
Insight Meditation Vipassana Meditation
Meditation in Action Walking, While doing Asanas.
Obstacles to Meditation
Benefits of Meditation -Physical Benefits,Therapeutic Benefits,Spiritual Benefits
Stress and stress related diseases are the main problems we are facing due to the modern urban life style.Modern medicine do not have proper solution for stress and stress related diseases.(Psychosomatic Diseases).Integrated approach of Yoga which addresses to the root cause stress, provides efficient techniques for preventing and managing stress at physical levels and subtle levels and thereby prevent all Psychosomatic diseases such as Anxiety ,Depression,Hypertension,Heart diseases ,Arthritis,Asthma,Diabetes etc....TECHNIQUE AND METHODOLOGY
*Deep Breathing Techniques *Synchronizing Breathing Techniques *Easy Postures *Instant Relaxation Techniques (IRT)*Quick Relaxation Techniques(QRT)*Deep Relaxation Techniques(DRT)*Stimulation Relaxation Combine *Sound Stimulation *Vision Stimulation Meditation Techniques *Cyclic Meditation Techniques,Yogic Walks ,Devotional Sessions/KirtanSELF MANAGEMENT
This Stress Management workshop allows participants to understand the techniques,and to practice on their own-SELF MANAGEMENT OF STRESS.SUITABLE FOR
All those who experience stress in their day to day life in Working places, Schools/Colleges/Universities and home ;Those who are suffering from Psychosomatic Diseases; Yoga students and,Teachers.BENEFITS
*Improved work efficiency *Prevention of stress *Self management of stress *Curbing and Managing negative Emotions such as Fear, Anger, Worry etc...*Promotions of Positive Health at Physical ,Mental,Emotional and Social levels*Prevention and self Management of Stress related Diseases such as Hypertension,Angina,Insomnia etc...*Effective Team spirit,Happy homes with peaceful stress free living.
This workshop will focus on giving the participants clear understanding of the philosophy on the following topics:-- Concept of "Yoga" and definitions from our ancient texts and authorities.
- Concept of "Human Body" according to Yogic Science . (Which is different from Modern Science /Medicine).
- Benefits of Yoga for "TOTAL BODY" i.e for all the 5 components of the Total body-Physical body ,Vital energy body/Breathing body,Mind body Knowledge body and Bliss body.
- Complete Process of Yoga -Karma Yoga,Bhakthi Yoga,Jnana Yoga ,Raja Yoga.
- 8 parts of Raja Yoga -Asanas/Postures is one of these 8 parts
Note:Asanas/Postures is only one part of the "Total Process" of the Integrated Holistic Yoga
This workshop will also train participants to understand the theory and techniques and to apply it properly when practicing.This will enable them to practice on their own at home and to live a yoga way of happy stress free life.TECHNIQUE AND METHODOLOGY
For Physical Body :Yogic Loosening Exercises,Yogic Energising Exercises,Postures (Asanas),Cleansing Techniques (Kriyas),Mudras,Proper Diet, Sun Salutation Exercises,Yogic Walking
For Breathing Body :
Deep Breathing Exercises,Synchronizing Breathing Exercises, Pranayamas (Yogic Breathing),Involving Breathing Techniques while doing all Yogic Exercises.
For Mind Body :
Instant Relaxation Techniques (IRT),Quick Relaxation Techniques (QRT),Deep Relaxation Techniques (DRT),Cyclic Meditation (CM),Mind Sound Resonance Techniques (MSRT),Devotional Sessions/Kirtan (Emotional culturing),Pranic Energization Techniques (PET),OM Meditation ,Involving Mind while doing all Yogic Exercises.
For Knowledge Body :
Yoga Philiosophy -Lectures, Yogic Counseling,Notional corrections,Involving Knowledge body while doing all Yogic Exercises.
For Bliss Body :
Smiling Exercises .Laughter Yoga, Action in Blissful Awareness, Involving Smile While doing all Yogic Exercises.
The above mentioned techniques when practiced regularly will relax the Physical Body,slow down the rate of Breathing ,calm down the Mind and establish Bliss.
Slow down the Breathing
Calm down the Mind
Relax the Body
Maintain a Smile
According to W.H.O Health is not a mere absence of diseases or infirmary but is a state of well being at the Physical,Mental,Social and Spiritual levels. Holistic Integrated Yoga is not a mere "work out" for the Physical body .It is work out and work in for the TOTAL BODY.*Hormonal balance *Reducing breathing rate *Strengthening of Immune system *Elimination of Stress *Prevention and management of all Psychosomatic diseases *Toning of the body *Strengthening the muscles *Toning internal organs *Regulating metabolism *Elimininating the Fat *Maintainig proper Weight ,Figure and Fitness *Mind and Emotional control*Personality development at Physical ,Mental,Intellectual ,Emotional and Spiritual levels *Removing Toxins *Cleansing internal organs including Lungs *Maintaining Energy levels *Eliminating Physical ,Mental and Emotional stress *Increasing Creativity,Memory and Intelligence *Slowing down the Ageing Process and many more.....
At the end of the workshop participants will understand and feel the difference between Physical level exercises and Practicing Yoga in all 5 levels (Integrated Holistic Yoga )-The correct way of practicing Yoga according to ancient texts.
All those who want to learn and practice Holistic Integrated Yoga-Yoga students ,Yoga practitioners,Yoga teachers ,all those who want to live a stress free happy life.
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Eating Habits,Type of food,Breathing Habits, Hormonal Balance,Stress Levels,Life Style and Physical exercises play vital role in the weight management and maintaining figure .HOW TO MANAGE YOUR WEIGHT AND MAINTAIN FIGURE
As mentioned above there are many potential contributing factors and therefore only Physical exercises and Diet are not sufficient to Manage your Weight and Figure.Integrated ,holistic approach of Yoga will address all the above mentioned factors which determines your weight and figure .The ancient science of Yoga provides techniques which work on all 5 components of your TOTAL BODY.Physical body,Vital energy body,Mind body,Knowledge body and Bliss body are the 5 components of the TOTAL BODY.All five are interrelated and interdependent whole.All 5 have to work as a team to maintain proper weight, ,figure and positive health.Each has it's own role to play in maintaining positive health,right weight and figure.SELF MANAGEMENT
This Weight Management workshop allows participants to understand the techniques ,learn the techniques ,and to practice on their own -SELF MANAGEMENT OF WEIGHT.TOPICS ADDRESSED & YOGA TECHNIQUES PRACTICED IN THE WORKSHOP
- Main causes for obesity and overweight.
- Why worry about overweight?
- Types of food/Diet which will reduce the weight and how it will reduce.
- Yogic concept of Diet.
- Effect of food on Mind.
- Types of food which will calm down the mind.
- Psychological effect of our eating habits.
- Eating behaviors ,Craving for food ,Emotional eating.
- Mind control and eating habits:-I know it is bad but I can't stop eating it...
- Overeating how to change this habit by practicing Integrated Holistic Yoga.
- Mastering the Basic reflex of Responses of hunger .
- Regulating Metabolism.
- Diet tips.
- How Stress Management helps in Weight Management.
- Yogic Postures for stimulating internal organs, glands.
- Yogic Postures for creating the right Ph balance.
- Yogic Postures for activating Internal heat...
- Increasing your heart rate up through Yogic practice without tiring and jarring effects to the body.
- Integrated Holistic Yoga techniques to develop healthy Breathing Habits.
- Integrated Holistic Yoga techniques to maintain the Hormonal balance.
- Integrated Holistic Yoga Techniques for Stress Management.
- Yogic Physical Exercises.
- Yogic Walking.
- Individuals who wish to make permanent weight changes in a healthy way and reduce Obesity.
- Professionals,Therapists who wish to assist clients with weight change.
- Psychology and Social work students.
- Gym Instructors,Trainers and Dieticians.